Could you be a teacher in the 1880’s? The math problem below was used as a test for new teachers at the Quasset school in the 1880’s.

Three boys, A, B, and C went to Putnam (a nearby town) to sell eggs. Boy A had 10 eggs. Boy B had 30 eggs. Boy C had 50 eggs. They each sold their eggs at the same rate and received the same amount of money. How much did they sell their eggs for? The answer is at the end of the article.

PUZZLE SOLUTION Boy A had 10 eggs. Boy B had 30 eggs. Boy C had 50 eggs. To end up with the same amount of money, each boy sold 7 eggs for 5 cents, then sold the remaining individual eggs for 15 cents each — so each boy earned 50 cents. (Multiple solutions to the problem are likely.)

For more about the Quasset school check out:


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